The Rising Sisterhood Book Two

Rose Vinci tells her story with courage, compassion and clarity only the most profound experience can bring. Her story begins in the Outer Banks of North Carolina in 2017. While pregnant with her second child, Glory, Rose’s life changed forever when a routine ultrasound uncovered a heart-breaking diagnosis.

In an extraordinary journey of the soul, she recounts the wisdom and lessons that arise when an ordinary person is called to face tremendous circumstances. Once a person of meager faith, she learned by necessity to enthusiastically embrace faithfulness amid uncertainty. She shares the keys to living an extraordinary life at any time, in any circumstance.


One morning before dawn, over a decade ago, I had a dream and I heard God speak. He said, ‘Rose, you are going to share your story with the world.’ I didn’t know I had a story to tell back then, and this didn’t make sense at the time. But since God said it, I believed it. Years later, in 2017, I finally saw how and why I’d tell my story: through the lens of the journey with my daughter, Glory. I didn’t have much faith in my own writing skills, but I slowly began writing my memoir “Sending Glory to God” in 2018.

I said to God during this season, ‘I believe in my story. I may not be a good writer, but You are THE GREAT AUTHOR; please put all the right people in my path to follow this dream you’ve given me.’ When the opportunity to co-author The Rising Sisterhood came across my path, I instinctively knew it was God making more connections and opening a door. The Rising Sisterhood offered me a chance to clarify my direction and my story while teaming with a tribe of skilled storytellers.

Rose Vinci’s chapter in the Rising Sisterhood Book 2 is titled “Surrender”

Rose discusses the strategies you can lean on to imbue your life with peace, joy and love—all by authentically relinquishing control. For Rose, the notion of surrender felt impossible amidst her daughter’s fatal diagnosis. And yet, somehow, she came to experience serenity by letting go amid uncertainty.

Her story shows how peace, joy and love are accessible to us all, even in our deepest troubles. They are gifts that enter in the most counterintuitive way, because they are simple in the face of complexity and grief. Her story takes you on a journey where hope never waivers, where miracles always arise in unexpected ways.

Upcoming Books

  • Sending Glory To God

    Sending Glory to God --This is Rose’s Vinci’s memoir through a self discovery journey influenced by the people and experience from her time in the Outer Banks. It also highlights how those influences changed her forever as she navigates her daughter Glory’s fatal diagnosis. It is an emotional and spiritual true tale of how Rose herself learned to live extraordinary everyday!

  • Heaven IS For Free

    Heaven is for Free--This is Rose’s first fiction piece. It captures a love story on the beaches of Hatteras Island. Two people explore questions of Heaven, eternal life, wealth and health. Their love finds answers that are so supernatural and will keep you on the edge of your seat.

  • Hawthorn of Hope

    Hawthorn of Hope is another one of Rose’s works of fiction. It is also another story told from her coastal vibe in North Carolina. Two people both feeling broken are continually crossing paths until they begin to learn they need each other in ways they couldn’t imagine. It is a powerful redemption story that restores hope for anyone who has struggled in relationships.